

Are Geothermal Heat Pump systems difficult to install?


Most units are easy to install, especially when they are replacing another forced-air system. This is known as a retrofit. Geothermal Heat Pumps can be installed in areas unsuitable for gas boilers or furnaces (fossil fuel appliances) because there is no combustion and thus no need to vent exhaust fumes. Ductwork must be installed in buildings [...]

Are Geothermal Heat Pump systems difficult to install?2019-03-06T08:40:14+00:00

Can I install a ground source heat exchanger myself?


It’s not recommended. There is a large amount of engineering required for a geothermal heating and cooling system. Thermal fusion of the pipe, drilling and trenching are procedures best handled by professionals. Nonprofessional installations may result in less than optimum performance, which could cancel out anticipated savings.

Can I install a ground source heat exchanger myself?2019-03-06T08:39:36+00:00

How long does it take to install a vertical system?


With the vertical installation, time varies with conditions on the site such as type and depth of the overburden, type and hardness of the bedrock, and the presence of aquifers. Typical drilling times are one or two days; total installation can usually be accomplished in two days for a small system.

How long does it take to install a vertical system?2019-03-06T08:36:28+00:00

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the horizontal and vertical installations, respectively?


Horizontal installations are simpler, requiring lower-cost equipment. However, they require longer lengths of pipe due to seasonal variations in soil temperature and moisture content. Since a horizontal heat exchanger is laid out in trenches, a larger area is usually required than for a vertical system. Where land is limited, vertical installations or a compact horizontal installation [...]

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the horizontal and vertical installations, respectively?2019-03-06T08:35:53+00:00