Commercial geothermal heating and air conditioning and Air Conditioning

Are you interested in climate-adaptable efficient cooling and heating through heat pump technology for your commercial building projects? Well then, Geomaster commercial geothermal heat pumps are not just what you need – they’re so much more.

Geomaster commercial geothermal heating and air conditioning systems usually use air handling units in commercial applications. Using these systems requires careful consultation with our engineers to ensure the most suitable design. Commercial systems can use a combination of air handling units including individual terminal units and VAV control (centralised or decentralised), diffusers, linear slot diffusers, active and passive chilled beams, displacement ventilation, slab heating, slab cooling and panel radiators. Geomaster Geothermal Ground Source Heat Pump systems are one of the best ways to achieve a favourable Green Star and NABERS rating.

Comfort applications for various building types are quite different and may be categorized as

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MELBOURNE 03 8399 9425
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